The Lazio region is Italy's hub for many things—including government and tourism—since the capital of Rome is at its center.
Lazio stretches along Italy's western shore and has a lush coastal area called the Maremma. Further inland, there are expansive plains before this diverse landscape gets increasingly hilly as it heads for the center of the peninsula and the Apennine Mountains.
Four of Italy's 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites are in Lazio, including the entire historic center of Rome and Vatican City. There are more ancient Roman ruins outside the city, and a burial site of a civilization even older than ancient Rome—the Etruscans. There are quiet hill towns, beachfront resorts, historic monuments, World War II battlefields, and acres of vineyards, not to mention the world's largest Roman amphitheater and smallest city-state.
Rome is the region's population center and a popular destination for tourists. This makes home to one of Europe's largest train stations—Roma Termini. Trains come and go at all hours from major cities all over Europe and within Italy, making it easy to get into Rome or to get from Rome to whatever destination is next on your itinerary.
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