Lost or Stolen Passes
The below policy applies only to those who purchase the Rail Refund Plan product.
We will reimburse the pass holder(s) named on the rail pass issued by us for the theft or accidental loss of the rail pass, subject to Exclusions, Limitations and Conditions outlined below:
- Loss refers to the theft or accidental loss of the rail pass.
- Effective Period means the period from the moment the passenger arrives in Europe until they leave Europe. Stolen or lost passes occurring before arrival in Europe are not covered under the terms of this policy.
- Program agreements apply only to loss sustained during the effective period.
This program does not apply to any loss caused by:
- Delay, detention, or confiscation by customs officers, officials, police or other security officers.
- Rail pass not in passenger’s actual possession at the time of loss.
- War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.
- Any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act by the pass holder.
- Damage due to wear and tear, gradual deterioration, vermin, or inherent vice.
Limits of Liability
The limits of liability shall be the lesser of the actual cash value of the rail pass at the time of loss; or the unused portion of the rail pass, which is calculated by the total number of valid days allowed within the rail pass duration less the valid days used. The loss date shall be the date on which the pass holder first became aware of the loss of the rail pass or the date 24 hours prior to the reporting of the loss to the police under the condition (2), whichever is later.
Each claim will be reimbursed, for the unused value of the original lost or stolen pass, to the individual who paid for the coverage and met all the requirements as described herein. The pass holder is responsible for the safety, security and supervision of the rail pass. The pass holder must file a police report within 24 hours of loss or theft of the pass. The pass holder must either purchase a replacement rail pass or city-to-city tickets for the remainder of the trip (air and bus tickets do not apply). Notice of any claim must be given to us within 30 days of return from Europe. To submit a claim, the pass holder must follow all steps under the section 'To File a Claim'. If any claims made under this program are covered by any other valid and collectible insurance or indemnity, We will only pay the difference between the amount paid under the other policy and the total amount which would otherwise be payable under this program. No change to this program will be valid unless outlined in writing and signed by us. No legal action may be brought to recover on this program within 60 days after a claim has been submitted as required herein, and no such legal action may be brought after 1 year from the requirement time for a claim to be filed. Any provision of this program that is in conflict with applicable law is hereby amended to conform to minimum requirements of such law.
Photo credit: jassada watt